While we do not provide implant placement, our dentists and team do work with specialists to provide implant-supported dentures in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Michael Belling and associates are happy to create the custom-tailored prosthetic for this permanent dental restoration so you can enjoy a fully restored and aesthetically pleasing smile. Schedule a consultation at 40th & Dodge Family Dentistry to learn more by calling us at 402-884-4400.

Are you tired of the discomfort and inconvenience of traditional dentures? Implant-supported dentures offer a revolutionary solution to replace multiple missing teeth, providing you with a permanent and stable oral appliance that restores your smile and confidence.

Unlike removable dentures, implant-supported dentures are securely anchored in your mouth using dental implants. These implants act as sturdy foundations for your dentures, eliminating the frustrating “loose” feeling commonly associated with traditional dentures. Not only do they offer enhanced stability, but they also provide a natural look and function that closely mimics real teeth.

The process of getting implant-supported dentures typically involves the placement of four to six dental implants, which are surgically attached to your jawbone. Once these implants have fully healed and integrated with your bone, your custom-made dentures will be affixed to them. This procedure may require multiple dental appointments, as our skilled dentists and surgical specialists meticulously plan and execute each step to ensure your implants heal correctly and your dentures function seamlessly.

Every patient’s needs are unique, which is why our experienced dentists will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan. We understand that you may have questions or concerns, and we are here to provide you with the information and guidance you need.

If you’re ready to regain your smile’s radiance and the confidence that comes with it, we invite you to reach out to our office and schedule a consultation with our dentists. Discover how implant-supported dentures can transform your oral health and quality of life. Your journey to a more confident smile begins with us!